
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1732

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Bolette Neve

Representation Summary:

We moved to Balsall Common in 2011 and the main reason was the Barratt's Farm land where we take our children for walks many weekends. The Berkswell side of Balsall Common is due to be impacted significantly by HS2. Barratt's Farm should not be included for housing as it is green belt, does not comply with the policy set out for health and supporting communities and would reduce our quality of life to such an extent that we would want to move away from the area.

Full text:

More needs to be done to identify appropriate sites for housing. It is essential that the Borough Council protects green belt sites and agricultural land for the production of food and wellbeing of residents who are already facing major disruption due to HS2.