
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 174

Received: 03/01/2017

Respondent: Mr Greg Kirby

Representation Summary:

Major concern regarding groundwater and potential flooding.
Traffic congestion in the village and along Meeting House Lane.
Impact on local infrastructure (schools, doctors, transport).
Impact on wildlife.

Full text:

To the Planning department,
I live at No. 87 Meeting House Lane (MHL) and the edge of my garden abuts the land subject to the proposed development.

1. I have a few concerns but the major one is that of ground water and potential flooding. During the rainy months, the water level in our rear garden and the fields beyond, gets so high that ponds begin to form. The fields become a Marsh land. This the situation now, with all that natural drainage. I am very concerned that once you've concreted over the entire area behind my house and far beyond, this problem will only be amplified - to the detriment of all current residents.

Therefore I would like to know what actions will be taken to address the following:

A. Rainwater harvesting
B. Storm water collection

I would also like to know the nature of the proposals with regards to our Personal Property Protection (PPP). I have read that you have to provide a Sustainable Urban Drainage system, that will prevent the ground water levels rising and surface water run off due to concreting of this green belt land - please can you elaborate on all these points.

Many of the locals call this area the 'Marsh', so I probably not the first to want to know how you plan to stop our properties getting detrimentally effected.

2. Traffic Density - Our village is already grid locked on evening during rush hour. Meeting House Lane is barely wide enough to get two cars passing and for most has no pavement. This becomes even more dangerous when mothers with children on the road are included in the equation. I cannot see, even with the best will in the world, how you plan to accommodate an additional 1600 cars (2 cars per 800 houses)? Please tell me what your plans are here. I am one of those
3. Schools, Doctors and local amenities (like train stations etc - have you seen Berkswell station?) - We struggle now to get an appointment at the Doctors or even get your child into the Primary school - what plans do you have for the additional 1000's of people?
4. My fourth point is that of wildlife. For a years now we have enjoyed listening to the owls in the woods behind the house and watching the bats catching flies at dusk. I realise that Muntjac deer are not protected but they can also be regularly feeding in these fields. During summer the number of birds and butterflies one can see is astounding - what on earth will you do to mitigate the destruction of all this natural wildlife habitat?

I am not against development but this plan doesn't strike me as the one with the best balance of benefit v's negative impact on current environment at all.

Lastly, if this idea is allowed to continue, how will you protect the residents and pedestrians of Meeting House Lane from the site traffic? I regularly walk my small children to school and nursery along the lane and already feel threated by speeding cars passing alongside me, never mind a huge, mud covered, truck. Will they be prevented from using MHL?

Please can you explain how you will be addressing all the issues detailed above.

Will there be any public forum regarding this proposal? I attended the one in the church call with the developers but that was just awkward looks and not many facts. It would be nice to speak to the people responsible for the plans rather than those who drew the short straw for working a weekend!

I realise you all have a hard job to meet the national quotas, I just hope common sense can prevail on this one.