
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 175

Received: 03/01/2017

Respondent: A G Randall

Representation Summary:

Other large developments have changed the character of Balsall Common from quiet village to urban sprawl.
Residents of Barretts Lane will be faced with a loss of privacy and depreciation in the value of their properties.
Development will add to existing traffic congestion in the village.
The centre with its shops and amenities has reached breaking point with regards to congestion and parking. This will only deteriorate further if further housing developments are approved.
Concern that the site will have an access that runs to the side of my property and impact on the quiet nature of Barretts Lane.

Full text:

Draft Local Plan Consultation - Barretts Farm, Balsall Common

Further to your letter 8th December 2016, I strongly object to the above proposed development on green belt land.

Balsall Common has already been flooded with large developments which has changed the character from being a quiet village to urban sprawl. If this goes ahead, residents of Barretts Lane and the immediate vicinity will be faced with a loss of privacy and depreciation in the value of their properties. The intensity of the development will add to the traffic congestion in the village which at peak times already sees roads in and around the village at a near standstill.

Any visitors to the village will see instantly that the centre with its shops and amenities has reached breaking point with regards to congestion and parking. This will only deteriorate further if further housing developments are approved.

I am also very concerned that the site will have an access that runs to the side of my property which will have an impact on the quiet nature of Barretts Lane.