
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 176

Received: 03/01/2017

Respondent: Paul Morgan

Representation Summary:

This green belt land and has been selected over more suitable sites in the village - in particular the brown field sites and extending existing developments.
The roads in this part of Balsall Common are severely congested. The development would increase the problem.
The development will be a blight on the countryside and can be seen from miles away due to its prominent position.
The site is a considerable distance from village amenities, in particular the train station.

Full text:

I'd like to raise the following concerns regarding the development of the Frog Lane site - hardly a large plot, and so I don't believe that the damage caused by developing it will be justified by the relatively small number of additional homes:
1. Frog Lane is niche green belt land and has been selected over more suitable sites in the village - in particular the brown field sites and extending existing developments. Why is this the case?
2. The Frog Lane development is a green field site on the outskirts of the village, so approving planning permission there will set a precedent and promote additional erosion of the green belt adjoining Frog Lane. This seems particularly concerning, given point 1 above.
3. Balsall Street East and the roads surrounding the Balsall Common schools - adjacent to the Frog Lane development - are already severely congested (with increased related pollution) at school drop off and pick up time. The Frog Lane development would no doubt have access via Balsall Street East and the immediate area and adding up to another 300 cars into this congestion every day will only increase the problem. I would suggest you or one of your team visits Balsall Street East at around 8.40am on a weekday morning to see the extent of the current issue, to then review how developing Frog Lane will further exaggerate the problem.
4. The Frog Lane site is on the top of a hill and the highest point in the area - surrounded by open countryside and public footpaths. Approving this site for development will blight the countryside for miles around, as the site can be seen from so far away due to it's prominent position. I urge you to come out and visit not just the immediate area surrounding the site, but walk the footpaths to the South and Southwest of the village to see how much of a visual impact the development will have - as far away as Fen End. Surely there are alternative sites available with less impact on the surrounding countryside - Dengate Drive appears to have been overlooked, for example.
5. The Frog Lane site is a considerable distance from the village amenities, and in particular the train station - which will encourage people to drive more and increase the congestion and pollution problems in the village - and so goes against government planning guidelines on the subject.