
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1761

Received: 07/02/2017

Respondent: Miss Susan Turner

Representation Summary:

objecting to the site (and the other 3 sites in the area as they) would lead to an increase in the congestion on the roads, impact negatively on the quality of residents lives and put pressure on infrastructure.
it would also not be accessible or contribute towards HS2.

Full text:

The key facts of why we are opposed to the plans are:
* They're unfair: 41% of the houses in the plan are in 4 sites that neighbour our community
* They will have a negative impact on our community: aside from the loss of green space around our homes and the benefits to the community and health that brings, the proposed housing would create transport problems along Haslucks Green Road, Bills Lane, Tamworth Lane, Blackford Road and many of the roads that run between them. It could also have a detrimental impact on schools and doctors.
* It won't help HS2: the Draft Local Plan Review makes a lot of reference to the benefits to the borough from the HS2 interchange at the airport, but Shirley will be one of the worst places in the borough to get to the new station. Areas to the east and north of the borough are more natural access points that won't need to contend with the congested A34 and M42.
* My mental health will suffer as I bought this property in the location it is as I suffer with PTSD and CANNOT live on or near a main road. I can give you access to my medical records to prove this if required.
* Shirley Golf Club wants to sell some of their land which is not bordered by any current propertys - build these houses there!