
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1780

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs David Hull

Representation Summary:

Reasons for objecting to the site are: Traffic, Safety to cyclists / pedestrians, Parking, Environmental impact particularly flooding Loss of sporting facilities Effect on essential amenities

Full text:

Sharmans cross sporting development
Please find this email in objection to the proposed development of the sporting fields in Sharmans cross road.

My primary concerns are,

Traffic, this is already at its limits there are daily gridlocks on Sharmans cross road at both ends, it is regularly being used for parking which in turn is putting pedestrians cyclists and in particular school children in danger. A new development will only exacerbate this already increasing problem.

Further building in the area will in all likely hood lead to in creased flooding in Sharmans cross, this is already a problem despite the remedial works that have been undertaken.

There is already a shortage of sporting facilities in the area how will these playing fields be replaced if built on, surly it would be better to put effort into ensuring this land is used for its designated purpose.

There is already a high density of housing and population in the area the building of another 100 houses in such a small area will only increase problems for the already overstretched schools and medical facilities.

To summarise my concerns are;
Safety to cyclists / pedestrians
Environmental impact particularly flooding Loss of sporting facilities Effect on essential amenities