
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1783

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Merrill Flood

Representation Summary:

Increased traffic and congestion alongside associated air pollution, pressure on infrastructure, and a loss of sporting facilities, safety for school children are all given as reasons for objecting to this site.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I wish to raise the following objections to the above:

1. The volume of traffic on Sharmans Cross Road is already very high and an additional potential 150 -200 vehicles exiting from the proposed development at peak times will cause serious traffic congestion.

2. At peak times a large number of children, frequently unaccompanied, use Sharmans Cross Road to go to and from Sharmans Cross Junior Schol and various secondary schools. The additional danger these young people would face is unacceptable as cars exit the new proposed development.

3. At the present time much attention is being given to high pollution levels throughout the West Midlands. The considerable number of additional vehicles associated with this development would aggravate the situation.

4. The land upon which the development is proposed to take place has been designated by Sport England as land for recreational purposes. Too many sports facilities in the borough have been lost in the last 20 years. SMBC, the owners of the freehold, has in the last three or four years, made clear its policy that the land under discussion should only be used for sport.

5. In this area, Solihull schools have few - if any -vacancies. This being the case, children from the proposed development would have to travel some distance to find a school place, thus increasing pollution. I doubt very much that SMBC has plans to build new schools to cater for children from this or other housing developments to alter the situation. I understand that nearby doctors' lists are also full.