
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1785

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Stan Lewis

Representation Summary:

Use of land, flooding, environmental reasons, traffic and associated air pollution, pressure on schools and medical facilities are all given as reasons for opposing the proposals.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I object to the proposed Development Plan in respect of the development of the existing Rugby Ground adjacent to Sharmans Cross Road.

My Objections are as follows:-

1. Use of Land
SMBC stated unequivocally in 2013 that the use of the land was for sport only. This rule should be restated by SMBC and the land put back into use for sport by amateur clubs and groups wishing to use it. The facilities were well attended when used in the past.

2. School and Medical facilities.
The current overstretched School and Medical services will be further stretched by the building of 100 new properties with their additional residents. This will have a detrimental effect on the provision for existing residents.

3. Traffic and associated pollution.
Sharmans Cross road is a national cycle way, a bus route and a major road to and from the Stratford road. This road is at capacity level during peak periods already, particularly on school days where many children and parents are obliged to cross and re-cross this road. This development will add substantially to traffic pulling out from the proposed new side roads and increase the serious danger and pollution to cyclists and pedestrians including the 360 children attending Sharmans Cross school and the many others who also attend other local schools.

4. Environmental Reasons.
This land is a 'green' lung for Solihull, containing wildlife and many mature trees. The loss of this facility for local people is immense and must be taken into account in any decision.

5. Flooding.
Sharmans Cross Road is frequently blocked by local flooding and this proposed development will simply make the frequency and impact worsen. With the additional loss of ground to soak up water there is bound to be a detrimental effect on the amounts of water run-off into natural ground.

6. Loss of sporting facilities in this area.
SMBC has a statutory requirement to replace lost pitches with ones of equivalent quality and accessibility. The current rugby ground at Sharmans Cross cannot be replaced in any way with a similar local facility.

7. Misleading statements made in the Draft Local Plan Timetable document.
In the Draft Local Plan Timetable document, (, the statement is made that 'Sports Ground is currently unused'; this statement is misleading as there are many amateur and local sports clubs and persons who would wish to utilise the land for sporting purposes but are prevented from doing so even though the land is designated for sports use only.