
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 179

Received: 30/12/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Jonathan & Helen Brown

Representation Summary:

Objection to loss of public open space at Holly Lane which is well used.
Increased traffic would pose an increased accident concern to an already busy junction and along roads that are the main walking and vehicular routes to both main schools.
We understand that new housing developments are key to the sustainable growth of Balsall Common, but it is clear that other areas are more convenient and less disruptive.
A bypass for traffic is needed and future housing would be better zones around this area.

Full text:

We would like to register my concern with regard to potentially losing the public open space at Holly Lane.

Having recently moved to Balsall common in the last 6 months, we find that having a open and safe environment at this end of the village enables us to have an escape for our family when walking the dog/exercising or gaining access to the beautiful open fields which surrounds this area. If we didn't have this space they would have to walk to the far end of the village (Lavender Hall), along the busy main road.

If housing was to built in this zone the increased traffic (including HGV's) would also pose a increased accident concern to an already busy junction at Kenilworth Road and along Alder Lane/Holly lane and Balsall Street East. Especially as these are the main walking and vehicular routes to both the main schools.

We understand that new housing developments are key to the sustainable growth of Balsall Common, but it is clear that other areas are more convenient and less disruptive.

With these developments in mind It is also clear that Balsall Common requires to decrease the traffic flow along Kenilworth Road and be diverted via a much needed bypass. (Hallmeadow road zone) We understand this is a viable solution and therefore would consider that any future housing developments are better zoned around this area.

We would like to be invited to any future public meetings/consultations around the future growth of Balsall Common, including housing/facilities, A452 bypass and HS2.