
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1805

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Jean Hollis

Representation Summary:

increase in road traffic, more traffic pollution, safety issues for school children and pedestrians, from increased traffic and parking are all reasons for opposing this development.

Full text:

LPD - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I wish to register my objection to the development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharman's Cross Road on the following grounds :

I feel that the density of this proposed building plan is out of kilter with the character of the surrounding area and will have a negative effect on the appearance and general feel of the area.

An increase of 100 dwellings will dramatically increase the road traffic in the area and will result in more traffic pollution. Traffic on Sharman's Cross Road is already chaotic and this will only lead to an increase in the gridlock that already exists at certain times. Due to the school there are also a lot of young children in the area and increased traffic volumes and exasperated motorists pose additional safety risks to them. Parking in this area is already a problem and is chaotic at school drop off and collection times. The new proposed development will only add to the existing difficulties of street parking.

This area is already prone to flooding and building over open land will only add to this. In addition the loss mature trees and disturbance to wildlife will be of major detriment to the environment. It will also put pressure on already oversubscribed amenities in the area such as schools and medical centres which will have a knock on effect to present residents and result in inferior services.

Your policy for the use of this ground only for sport and that the freehold would not be sold was minuted in 2013. Could you give reaffirmation of this policy, as this implies that it is inappropriate to include this land within the Local Development Plan. A previous application for this site has been refused and another withdrawn.