
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 187

Received: 05/01/2017

Respondent: mr David Phillips

Representation Summary:

Tythe Barn Lane is already receiving too much traffic. It is too narrow and although the part where the proposed development is be built can be widened the DH end cannot as the houses are too close to the road.
The other roads in DH are generally too narrow and cannot currently cope with the amount of traffic.
The shopping area in DH is currently too small and parking is totally inadequate.
Pressure in existing infrastructure which is at capacity including schools, dentist, GP
Tythe Barn Lane currently houses several sports clubs. The Borough should not lose these facilities.

Full text:

I am writing to comment on the Draft Local Plan which is currently open for consultation.The item I wish to comment on is Proposed Housing Allocation 4, West of Dickens Heath, Dickens Heath.
My property backs onto the field between the last line in DH and Akamba and is at the far side directly alongside the Stratford On Avon Canal. I bought this flat in April 2014 and its main attraction was the fabulous view over the field and Canal. Before completing my purchase I checked the existing Local Plan which was introduced in 2014 and was to run until 2028 and saw that the field outside my flat was not to be developed. On that basis I went ahead with the purchase.If I had known that the plan was to be revoked and replaced within two years I would not have gone ahead. It seems ridiculous that a Council can make a Plan for a period of 14 years and then rescind it two years later. Perhaps you will tell me what avenues are open for compensation if this proposal goes ahead. I would like an answer to this question.
AS regards the Local Plan itself I would like to make the following comments on the proposed DH development ( No 4) which I think is totally unsuitable for the following reasons:
1) Tythe Barn Lane is already receiving too much traffic. The whole of Tythe Barn Lane is already too narrow and although the part where the proposed development is be built can be widened the DH end cannot as the houses are too close to the road. The ridiculous pinch point by the primary school is already the scene of many near accidents and is not helped by the Councils decision to allow parking even on bends. Basically the road is too narrow. I dread to think what it will be like if the proposed development takes place.
2) The other roads in DH are generally too narrow and cannot currently cope with the amount of traffic.
3)The shopping area in DH is currently too small and parking is totally inadequate.
4) The local primary schools are oversubscribed and cannot provide further places.
5)The Secondary school for the area is too far away and is oversubscribed.
6)The one local dentist is full and will not take any more NHS patients.
7) The GP practice IN DH is bursting at the seams and couldn't cope with more patients.
8)Tythe Barn Lane currently houses several sports clubs. Will the council be providing land elsewhere for sporting leisure activities. The Borough should not lose these facilities.

In addition the whole area is being spoilt by the constant expansion. DH which was once a nice village with a real village atmosphere is being transformed into a large concrete jungle and is losing its identity. I doubt it will win many more awards if this continual expansion goes ahead.

I hope you will take these comments into account and let me have an answer to my earlier question