
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 192

Received: 07/01/2017

Respondent: Mrs Gillian Stansfield

Representation Summary:

Object to use of allotments and playing fields. It is important for those who do not have a garden.
Also, the road is extremely busy during certain times of the day outside the school and I would sincerely hope thought is given to any new houses on this road as it could not take any additional traffic. There is also the problem with increasing the school numbers. Although I do not have any connection with the school I am aware it is fully subscribed.

Full text:

I tried to leave comments online but gave up!

After attending the meeting this morning in our local library I have a number of concerned regarding the additional housing proposed in Balsall Common but my main one is to use the land in Holly Lane (allotments and playing fields).

We have recently acquired (and paid for) a plot at Holly Lane Allotments, after being on the waiting list for sometime. We are now about to purchase a shed for our Christmas pressies of garden tools but are unsure on the way forward. These allotments are well loved and people have been working and improving the soil for some considerable years and it would not just be a matter of giving us a new area. On my part it is very important as this is within walking distance from where I live and I do not have a garden. Also, the road is extremely busy during certain times of the day outside the school and I would sincerely hope thought is given to any new houses on this road as it could not take any additional traffic. There is also the problem with increasing the school numbers. Although I do not have any connection with the school I am aware it is fully subscribed.

I realise this email may not be the correct way to register my concerns but do hope it will be accepted as this is very important to me.