
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1939

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Mr John Wilson

Representation Summary:

Development will add to congestion hotspots on A452 and delay drivers accessing the A452. Risk of accidents will increase. Windmill Lane will become even more of a "rat run".
Site 3 scores poorly for all accessibility criteria, apart from the Primary School. Journeys to shops, medical centre and station will be by car, adding to existing congestion and parking difficulties.
Altering the boundaries surrounding existing developments on Kenilworth Road would contravene National policy, as these boundaries were regarded as permanent.
Council's assessment has overlooked Berkswell Windmill (Grade II* listed building) and Great Crested Newts.
Site 3 should be removed.

Full text:

email & see attached report
Please find attached my objection to site 3 (Balsall Common) proposed for allocation in the Draft Local Plan.

This objection is in response to Q15 in the DLP and recommends the removal of site 3 from the plan and that site 240 be allocated instead.

You will note that this report is co-authored my myself, Jeanette Mcgarry and Wendy Wilson and is focused solely on site 3.

I would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss this report further with yourself, Cllr Courts and the co-authors of the report.