
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1958

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Sarah Evans

Representation Summary:

site 11 objection.
Objection to building on Green Belt (sic).
Heavily congested area.
A large number of SMBC employees occupy the ground floor of one of the office spaces at 3, The Green. Are they aware of this project?
Iit will have an effect on them getting into work.

Full text:

rejection for green belt allocation
A quick note to support the leaflet I received on "paws off our green belt"

I can confirm that I totally oppose the building of any houses, it is not right to have so many houses built on green belt so I am opposed to all allocation 11,12 4 and especially 3

Did you know at 3 the green there are a large number of SMBC employees which occupy the ground floor of one of the office spaces I wonder if they are aware of this project as it will have an effect on them getting into work? In an already heavily congested area