
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1963

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: David & Patricia Vincent

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 18.

Detrimental to local character.
Impact on Tennis Club amenities. Moving it is illogical financially and logistically.
Concern about extra traffic and increased pollution. Extra parking around school.
Loss of sporting facility.
Over last 6 years several appeals at the site have been dismissed.

Full text:

LDP Proposed housing allocation 18
As members of Solihull Arden Tennis Club we wish to object to the above proposals for the following reasons:

1. The proposal of 100 houses will be detrimental to the character of the neighbourhood and will affect the Club amenities.Moving the existing Tennis Club to a different area is illogical financially and logistically.
2. The amount of extra traffic together with increased pollution within the surrounding neighbourhood and in close proximity to the local Junior School, together with the extra parking that will be generated over and above the existing will lead to gross overload.
3. The loss of sporting facilities from the site into a housing development will be a loss to the area and will never be replaced.
4. The site is inappropriate for housing development, over the last 6 years applications have been withdrawn and refused, again a refusal to these latest proposals is appropriate and necessary.