
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1993

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Balsall Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Support. Has potential for good accessibility with the potential to limit the increased use of journeys by car. But its accessibility will be limited because of HS2 construction.
All housing to achieve the target number in Balsall Common could be built on Site 1. It can provide a range of facilities and will link better with the village centre and the railway station.
It would create mixed living opportunities of inter-generational relationships for the elderly and young residents of the village.
It would preserve more of the Green Belt around Balsall Common.

Full text:

see attached report
Balsall Parish Council resolved at the Council meeting on 15 February 2017 to submit this report in response to the Solihull Draft Local Plan Consultation ending 17 February 2017