
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 210

Received: 10/01/2017

Respondent: Rebecca Rowland

Representation Summary:

Beautiful green land around a built up estate, somewhere to go for family walks, to escape the noise of traffic and car fumes. You wish to add to the world's pollution and destroy habitats for our wildlife. Why? There is insufficient infrastructure to meet the needs of a burgeoning population, which will make access all the more difficult. We need housing, but not at the cost of reduced quality of life. Find somewhere else. This decision will likely affect the local house prices in a negative way.

Full text:

I have recently been made aware that you plan to build new housing on the fields surrounding the woodlands estate in Shirley B90. I think this is unacceptable. We have lived here 12 years, and these fields are the reason we bought our house.
Beautiful green land around a built up estate, somewhere to go for family walks, to escape the noise of traffic and car fumes. You wish to add to the world's pollution and destroy habitats for our wildlife. Why? There is insufficient infrastructure to meet the needs of a burgeoning population, which will make access all the more difficult. Yes we need housing, but not at the cost of reduced quality of life. Find somewhere else. This decision will likely affect the local house prices in a negative way. I just hope enough people oppose this ludicrous idea, as it is a very big mistake.