
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2177

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Roger Flood

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Distressed to see more sports areas being used for housing.
Sport England will not support.
Shortage of pitches currently in Solihull.
Any loss of pitches should be replaced.
Inadequate local facilities e.g. schools and medical care.
School on Sharmans Cross Road already been lost to housing.
Extra traffic would aggravate existing issues and increase danger to children walking to school.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I would like to object strongly to the proposed building of about 100 houses on the land off Sharmans Cross Road.

As an Olympian, I am distressed to see more sports areas being turned over for housing. In my opinion, and backed up by Sport England, we need more facilities in the Borough, not less. I understand there is already a shortage of pitches around the Solihull area. I believe any sporting pitches/facilities which are turned to other use must be replaced.

I am also concerned about the inadequate local facilities in the area with reference to schools and medical care. Not too long ago, a school in Sharmans Cross Road was closed down and houses built on that site. If additional housing was built on the proposed site, there would be even more children in the region, and Schools in the area are already full. Likewise , the medical surgeries are also full. This would lead to a drop in the standards in these amenities. For instance, larger classes in Schools and longer waiting times at surgeries.

Finally the extra traffic in the area would aggravate the flow on an already busy road and cause more danger to the children walking to Sharmans Cross School.