
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2179

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Sally Bull

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of wildlife and endangered species.
Little green space for Shirley residents and this area is very important to health and wellbeing of community.

Full text:

Allocation 13

On behalf of my family who have lived in the borough for many years I would like to raise an objection to allocation 13 , my reasons are outlined below,

As well as being home to pastoral grassland ,marshland ,streams drainage ditches hedgerows ,ancient trees ,endangered species including aquatic life such as newts ,birds such as cuckoo wildlife such as water voles will all be eradicated.
There is little green space for Shirley residents and this area is very important to the health and well being of the local community.