
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2182

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Emma Durant

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Road safety issues near schools. Proposed development would be adjacent to a single carriageway.
Serious congestion concerns caused by increased usage of the surrounding roads and insufficient infrastructure to deal with the increased volume.
Reduction of amenity to existing residents for medical and educational services (doctors, schools etc)
Loss of wildlife and ancient woodland.
Sufficient brownfield land nearer to the M42, would be more suitable.
Has a lower impact alternative been considered?

Full text:

Objection to Allocation 13 Proposal

I would like to object to the proposed Allocation 13 development.

There are a number of critical reasons for this:

1) Road safety issues near schools in the area since the proposed development runs adjacent to a single carriageway.

2) Serious congestion concerns caused by increased usage of the surrounding roads and insufficient infrastructure to deal with the increased volume.

3) Reduction of amenity to existing residents for medical and educational services (doctors, schools etc)

4) The surrounding ancient woodland has many different species with great ecological value (e.g woodpeckers, toads, news). To destroy this would be a crushing blow to the biodiversity of the area.

Furthermore there is sufficient brownfield land nearer to the M42 where this could be built without impinging on the existing development in this area of Shirley and would like to understand if a lower impact alternative can be considered.