
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2183

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Elizabeth Foster

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Overdevelopment of site. Too high a density. Will destroy local character.
More housing will exacerbate existing traffic volumes.
Highway safety issues for cyclists and pedestrians due to increased traffic.
Pollution from traffic will increase.
Existing parking issues will be increased.
Existing flooding issues on Sharmans Cross Road will get worse.
Permanent loss of a sports facility, at a time when obesity is a national concern. Solihull in 3rd quartile nationally for over 16s in sport.
Loss of wildlife and TPOs.
Schools and medical centres already oversubscribed.
Not meet accessibility criteria.
Land covenanted for sporting use.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I reside at 59 Sharmans Cross Road and write to express my objections to this proposal.

Suitability - the proposal will result in the overdevelopment of this site, destroying the character of the neighbourhood. The proposed density well exceeds that of existing properties in the area, in the case of Winterbourne Road by five times.

Increased traffic and pollution - there already exists an issue with traffic volumes in the area and these affect all roads around the proposed site; the development can only add to the volume and exacerbate the existing issue.
The increased traffic will be a danger to pedestrians and to cyclists; this is a designated cycling route.
Pollution from traffic is a recognised negative on the health of everyone and increased traffic will further add to the pollution of the area.

Parking - Sharmans Cross Road is a bus route and in general a busy road. When it is drop off or pick up time at the school or their is any kind of extra curricular activity parking is heavy. Sports fixtures have the same affect. The completion of this proposal will exacerbate the parking issue.

Flooding - this is already a problem and can only worsen if the site is built upon.

Permanent loss of a sports facility- at a time when obesity is a national concern and there is a need for all to be more active, the loss of this sports pitch facility is unacceptable. Solihull is in the 3rd quartile nationally for participation in sport by those over 16.

Design and appearance - this area is a known habitat for birds, badgers and bats; disturbing the habitat will be detrimental, as will the destruction of mature trees, some of which have preservation orders. Trees assist with countering pollution and should not be removed.

Schools and medical centres - these are already oversubscribed in this location and additional residential properties will further, adversely affect the service to existing local residents.

Sustainability- the National Planning Policy Framework requires developments to have access to local amenities within 800 metres or a ten minute walk whereas this proposal would be 1700 meters from Solihull Town centre and 1000 meters from Solihull Station. The criteria is therefor not met.

Use of land - SMBC minuted in 2013 that their policy with regard to this land, which is the subject of a covenant, should be for the use of sport only and further that the freehold would not be sold. I am aware that one previous development application has been refused and a second withdrawn. I would like SMBC to reaffirm the policy stated in 2013 to be reaffirmed.