
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2189

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Steve Harris

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increase in traffic and consequently pollution.
200+ extra cars.
Road safety concerns, particularly for cyclists and pedestrians. Will worsen current situation, despite cycle lane. Safety of children walking to school will be jeopardised.
Under law local amenities should be within 800m. Site 18 would be 1700m from Solihulll Town Centre and 1000m from train station.

Full text:

I was very disappointed to discover there are plans to build new houses on Sharmans Cross Road.

The potential new builds will add to higher levels of pollution, due to an increase in traffic. If every household has two cars, this may result in 200+ extra vehicles (plus visitors). As a person who suffers from asthma, added road pollution is very worrying, not only for myself, but for local wildlife, too.

This also adds to another related concern of road safety. I currently cycle down Sharmans Cross road and the road can at times be quite perilous (especially as this road is a designated cycle route). I worry that with added properties of the scale being discussed, that the road will become very dangerous and render me unable to enjoyable and safely cycle down Sharmans Cross Road.

This point also affects school children at Sharmans Cross Junior School. Whilst this does not directly affect me, I worry that the school children's safety will be greatly jeopardised. Adding more properties (on the scale being discussed), will inevitably add to loss of school children's safety.

Finally, it is my understanding that, under law, developments must have access to local amenities within 800 meters. I gather the potential new site is 1,700 metres from the town centre and over 1,000 metres from the nearest train station, so technically plans to build on this site are unlawful.

I hope these points reach you well.