
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2193

Received: 10/02/2017

Respondent: Louise Fallon

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Considerable volume of existing traffic in this area, particularly at peak times and due to shoppers for Touchwood on weekend.
Long queues of traffic along Streetsbrook Road - hazardous junction with Sharmans Cross Road/Dorchester Road/Stonor Park Road.
100 houses is out of scale for area.
Loss of open space.
Danger to cyclists if traffic increases further.

Full text:

LDP- Proposed Housing Allocation 18

A development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road

I am writing with regard to the above planning proposal by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC). I live close to the proposed site and know the area very well. I have lived in Solihull for almost 20 years and at my current address for almost 4 years. My son attends Solihull Arden Club once a week for squash lessons and has a paper round that covers the surrounding roads. I wish to object strongly to the development of these houses in this location.

Already, with the expansion of the Touchwood shopping centre and three large secondary schools in close proximity, the volume of traffic around this area is considerable. Long queues of traffic form along Streetsbrook Road and it can be extremely hazardous at the junction of Streetsbrook Road- Sharmans Cross Road -Dorchester Road - Stonor Park Road. Adding 100 additional houses will, without doubt, mean the addition of over 100 cars competing for road space in an already congested area. Traffic is particularly bad at the obvious peak rush hour times (8-9am/ 5-6:30pm) but is also congested at the end of the school day (3-4pm) and Saturdays, due to shoppers heading to Touchwood.
The increased traffic is also a danger to children making their way on foot to and from school and for many, like my son, making their way to the Arden Club.

Squeezing 100 houses into this site is out-of-scale with the surrounding roads and this overdevelopment will mean it is less likely for local residents to enjoy their outdoor space. People will be less likely to cycle around the area; I would be reluctant to allow my children to continue to cycle on the roads if traffic further increased.

I hope that my objection is considered by the Planning Department when this application is decided.