
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2200

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Kelly Maskell

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of wildlife.
Loss of Green Belt.
Existing high levels of traffic in area. Safety concerns for children on foot on way to Lighthall School.
Increased housing will exacerbate traffic volume and have highway safety implications.

Full text:

Allocation 13
Iam emailing you to express my grave concerns regarding the Council's proposals to build yet more houses on the area now called Allocation 13.

The area is most definitely a haven for so much wildlife, flora and fauna, otherwise the area would never have been given protection as a green belt. I can remember being taught about these green belt areas when I was at school, learning the true value of them and the necessity of them to protect our environment. The one real thing that stuck from these lessons was that these areas could not be built on. What will we teach our children now? They cant be built on...oh, unless the government say so!!

Another issue that is extremely concerning is the safety of my children. My daughter has recently started year 7 at Lighthall School. During the summer months we had to teach her the route for her to walk to school. Sadly, we weren't able to show her just one route, but had to show her several, in order for her to make the safest choice when crossing the road. The sheer volume of traffic is already horrendous and adding more houses and therefore most likely more drivers will only compound this situation. To cross the road to enable to her to get to Hathaway Road is an absolute nightmare and each morning I am relieved to hear she has made it to school safely.

Please, please consider the severe negative impact this is having on our children.