
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2203

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Barry Jackson

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Impact on local infrastructure would be too much.
Traffic in area has steadily increased over the years; gridlock during peak times; not mentioned any improvements to make roads safer.
New houses around Dickens Heath putting massive strain on local services, doctors, schools and transport.
Must be better alternatives than this site in Green Belt; an increasingly developed area.

Full text:

Objection to allocation 13

I would like to voice my objections to the proposals for 600 houses being built on Allocation 13.
I live in Binley Close and work at Light Hall School.
The impact the proposal would have on the local infrastructure would be too much.
The traffic in the area has steadily increased over the years and is already at gridlock during peak times and no improvements have been mentioned about making our roads safer.
The amount of houses being built around Dickens Heath is putting a massive strain on local services, doctors, schools and once again transport.

There must be better alternatives than taking up this green belt land in an already increasingly developed area.

I would be grateful if this e-mail could be logged as an official objection to the plans.