
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2204

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Dan Sullivan

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Would remove vitally important green space to the local community.
Public amenity fields and corridor to the bridleway and Bills Lane are an established recreation facility. Regularly used and enjoyed.
Important to health and wellbeing. Green areas alleviate depression.
Must be safeguarded.
Loss of ancient trees and hedgerows.
Loss of wildlife.
2550 new homes will add to existing congestion at Stretton Rd, Tanworth Lane, Dickens Heath Rd, Dog Kennel Lane.
Services and infrastructure insufficient.
Retain more Green Belt to reduce coalescence between Shirley and Dickens Heath.
Understand need for housing, but consider local community.

Full text:

Shirley South site 13

I am a resident of Shirley heath whom lives in a residential area which directly adjoins the local amenity green space which is one of many local sites which are proposed for future development as part of the local housing plan review.
The South Shirley site (Site 13) which has proposals for circa 600 homes on greenbelt would be taking away vitally important greenspace to the local community which as resident we and many regularly enjoy and use.
On Shirley South site 13 the fenced off public amenity fields and corridor to the bridleway and Bills lane have been an established recreation facility for the health and well being of the local community for many years and MUST be safeguarded as such within any development scheme for this site.
The loss of ancient trees/hedgerows, loss of wildlife habitats would be huge, not to mention the vital loss of the open areas for general peace and well being in todays busy society of non stop life! Society already suffers from increasing rates of depression and such green areas provide an important escape.
The over concentration on Shirley South in general of proposed sites which could increase housing by a huge 2550 provides great concern given the increase in population, to the already congested surrounding highways, services and infrastructure that the community already suffers from. The congestion around Stretton Rd, Tamworth Lane, Dickens Heath Rd and Dog Kennel lane is already horrendous to deal with at peak times.
We request more of the greenbelt is retained to reduce the coalescence between Shirley and the built settlement of Dickens heath.
I am not blinded by the fact that the local area requires more housing and a suitable strategy however i strongly object to site 13 being adopted out of the greenbelt.

I do hope full detailed consideration is given as to which sites are more more appropriate in the first instance in the surrounding area, without just choosing the easy options without consideration to the local community.