
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2205

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Robin Davis

Representation Summary:

The site is surrounded by houses of a far less density.
It will result in a considerable increase in traffic on Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road, both of which are gridlocked during rush hours.
There is unlikely to be sufficient parking space for the Solihull Arden Club.
The site has been designated for sporting activities and SMBC has a Statutory requirement to provide such facilities.
Schools and medical services are not capable of dealing with further demands.

Full text:

LDP Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to oppose a proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground in Sharmans Cross Road, a site surrounded by houses of a far less density. The development
Will result in a considerable increase in traffic from the site on to Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road, both of which are gridlocked during rush hours, increasing the danger to pedestrians and school children at both secondary schools and Sharmans Cross Junior school.

There is unlikely to be sufficient car parking space for Solihull Arden Club unless part of this Site is set aside for this purpose.

The Site has been designated to be used for sporting activities for which Solihull MBC has a Statutory requirement to provide such facilities and Solihull continues to fall in the national league tables. The government is pressing for more sporting participation for health reasons.

Schools and medical services are not capable of dealing, satisfactorily, with further

The site of woodlands used by wildlife and is known as a habitat for bats and badgers.

I trust the Council will agree that the site should be retained for sporting purposes and not Developed for housing