
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2206

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Margaret Young

Representation Summary:

Development not in keeping with the surrounding area. There will be too many homes on too small a space and impacts on neighbouring residential amenity.
Existing traffic congestion will increase impacting on highway safety.
Reduction in the number of spaces at Solihull Arden Club will exacerbate on-street parking.
Increased pollution will result from the additional traffic.
100 new homes will increase the pressure for places in schools and for GP facilities which are both oversubscribed.
Impact on wildlife and trees which have TPOs.
Flooding and drainage issues.
The site does not meet sustainability criteria.
Sporting facilities will be lost.

Full text:

Local Development Plan - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I wish to make the following objections to Proposed Housing Allocation 18

1. The development is not in keeping with the surrounding area and will change its appearance and nature. There will be too many homes on too small a space: to fit 100 homes, including 50 affordable ones, into the space under consideration, an entirely different style, size and type of dwelling will be required. Some of these may well be multi-storey and will impair current residents' enjoyment of their homes. These will have reduced light and reduced privacy; they will suffer from noise pollution and be overlooked.

2. Traffic congestion is already a major problem in this area. Increasing the number of homes will cause even greater chaos at busy times both on Sharmans Cross Road and adjacent roads. Those accessing local amenities or their work will be adversely affected. The numbers of families who need to access premises on the Solihull Arden Club side of Sharmans Cross Road (primary school + wraparound care, orthodontist, tennis club, football club) will increase, giving rise to a greater risk of accidents, particularly at the start and end of the school and working days.

3. Pedestrians, including school age children walking to and from primary and secondary school, will have reduced highway safety.

4. Cyclists using the existing cycle route will have reduced highway safety.

5. 100 new homes will generate a need for parking spaces; there are already insufficient spaces for the area at certain busy times. (see point 2) . The possible reduction in the number of spaces at Solihull Arden Club would cause drivers to seek on street parking and further exacerbate the problem.

6. Increased pollution will result from the additional traffic.

7. Local schools are heavily oversubscribed in the area. 100 new homes will increase the pressure for places in schools and lead to dissatisfaction among local families; in addition there may be a negative impact on the service offered.

8. GP facilities are heavily oversubscribed in the area. 100 new homes will increase the pressure on services offered with a potentially negative impact on healthcare.

9. The loss of a green space will cause environmental damage and reduce the public's enjoyment of the local area. There are many mature trees on the site, some with Tree Preservation Orders, which support wildlife and have an impact on biodiversity; removing the green space will have a detrimental effect on this. Such mature trees take hundreds of years to grow and cannot be replaced. Several oak trees form the boundary between Solihull Arden Club and the gardens of Winterbourne Road.

The vast array of insect life found in the Oak tree means that this tree of all British trees supplies the most food for birds such as tits and tree creepers. .... the oak tree provides a harvest for many wild creatures. ... pigeons....squirrels, mice, badgers... .

10. Sharmans Cross Road is sometimes flooded during heavy rainfall with ensuing traffic chaos. Many residents suffer flooding of their gardens in wet weather ( Sharmans Cross Rd and Winterbourne Rd). Further development will exacerbate this problem.

11. According to The National Planning Policy Framework, developments must have access to local amenities within 800m or 10 minutes' walk. Solihull Station is 1000m and Solihull Town Centre 1700m away from the proposed site, both of which are too far to meet the sustainability criteria.

12. A rugby pitch will be lost. Several sports grounds are under threat in the Local Development Plan; SMBC has a duty to ensure that lost pitches are replaced so that they can be used by the local community. Participation in sport in Solihull is disappointing when compared with national averages, particularly given the demographic of the area.

13. In 2103 Solihull MBC agreed not to sell the freehold of the land in question and to preserve the use of the original sports grounds for sport. I would like to be assured that SMBC will adhere to this decision and resist developers' repeated attempts to influence its overturning.

14. National Lottery Funding has been used to provide sports facilities at Solihull Arden Tennis Club. I would like to be assured that SMBC will endeavour to promote the retention of these facilities so that they can be used for their intended purpose: to encourage participation in sport.