
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2207

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Joanna Hill

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Existing traffic congestion at peak hours on Streetsbrook Road and adjoining roads.
Will increase gridlock and frustration.
Added pollution and pothole damage.
Concern for pedestrian safety, particularly schoolchildren.
High density housing plan will negatively impact local character. 5x as dense as surrounds.
Loss of sports ground.
SMBC policy to retain grounds for sport use and not to sell freehold.
Add to existing parking issues on road and loss of spaces at Arden Club.
Existing flood issues on Sharmans Cross Road will be exacerbated by increased hard surfaces.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I strongly object to the proposed development of 100 new houses on the rugby ground in Sharmans Cross Road.

Traffic congestion
Every working morning I already struggle to drive out of my own road due to the traffic at a standstill down Streetsbrook Road and the adjoining roads, including Sharmans Cross. Added traffic due to new homes would not only increase this gridlock and frustration, but add to the associated pollution and road pothole damage. I'm also concerned for pedestrian safety as my own daughter must cross these roads on her way to school, as do many other primary and secondary school children.

Deterioration of the character of Solihull
This high density housing plan is completely unsuitable and out of characher with the Solihull surroundings. Building 100 homes on a site of this size is up to 5 times as dense as current adjacent properties.
Loss of sports ground and use of its land
There are not enough sports grounds in the area for us to lose this one! Plus SMBC's own policy (minuted formally in 2013) is to use the grounds only for sport, and not to sell the freehold.
More parking issues
Driving down Sharmans Cross is already precarious at times, due to the volume of cars parked by the side of the road. More housing, and therefore traffic, will exacerbate these problems, as will the loss of parking spaces at the Arden Club.
Sharman Cross road floods after heavy rainfall. Covering land close by with even more concrete can only make this worse.
Please do not allow this application to proceed.