
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2211

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Linda Parker

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increased number of vehicles would result in negative impact at all times, not just peak hours and school finish times.
Right turn from development onto Sharmans Cross Road and right turn onto Streetsbrook Rd will cause major traffic congestion. Already an issue.
Will add to increasing parking issues on roads.
Severn Trent will need to provide additional infrastructure.
Existing flooding issues, e.g. drains outside school are unable to cope in heavy rain.
Permanent loss of sporting facilities.
Local schools and medical facilities are oversubscribed. 50% affordable housing suggested younger families requiring these facilities.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I would like to make objections and observations re the Solihull LDP Proposed Housing Allocation 18 Sharmans Cross Road, Rugby Club Ground

Increased number of vehicles
Proposed 100 properties would have a great impact on the increased number of vehicles using Sharmans Cross Road - at all times, not just 7.30am/9 30 am and again
at the school finish times or peak evening travel times.

As the proposed access/exit onto Sharmans Cross Road , particularly when turning RIGHT towards Streetsbrook Road and again turning RIGHT
towards Solihull town centre will cause major traffic congestion. This traffic problem is already very noticeable at peak traffic times.

Many side roads around this development already has many cars parked all day, with many workers parking and walking into Solihull.
Some even get bikes out of the boot and ride off.

What additional no parking restrictions would be placed on Sharmans Cross Road to alleviate one way traffic at busy times
Red Double Lines would be the answer.

Would the Police or Traffic Wardens or PCSO's be patrolling to enforce this?

Additional Infrastructure Required
What additional infrastructure is planned by SEVERN TRENT for this increased volume of residential properties.

Sharmans Cross Road already has flooding during heavy rain causing manholes to lift and sewerage to flow along paths opposite the existing entrance to old rugby club.
(walk my dog (whatever the weather) and have seen this on several occasions !!!!!)

During heavy rain, the drains outside Sharmans Cross School are unable to cope with flood water volume and the road is completely under water

Permanent Loss of Sporting Facilities
Has Sport England agreed or been informed of this change of use.

Required - Additional Education Places and local access to Medical Facilities
Sharmans Cross Junior School/ Streetsbrook Infant School was deemed to be FULL and unable to take any further pupils either on the waiting list or start school
When my grandson returned from abroad March 2016 Solihull Education Department informed us Jack would have to seek a school placement OUTSIDE SOLIHULL
We live within walking distance of both these school.

100 residential properties - 50 suggested to be affordable housing - what additional local school places are planned locally for this development
Affordable housing (to me) suggests younger families requiring education and additional medical facilities.

I await with interest the outcome of Solihull PDP Proposed Housing Allocation 18