
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2219

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Robert Harrison

Representation Summary:

Site 2 Objection.

1350 houses in Balsall Common is unbelievable. 4000 extra residents and 2700 extra cars.
Roads and lanes around the village are noticeably busier since new developments on Kenilworth Road.
Not supported by all Councillors. Would not happen in Knowle.
Other areas on outskirts of the village. e.g. Oak Farm on bus routes.
Meeting House Lane will become a thoroughfare, lane will not be able to cope.
Balsall Common grown enormously over last ten years; reaching maximum capacity.
Feel no-one is listening to negative impact proposals will have on this community.

Full text:

Solihull Housing Plan for Balsall Common

To contemplate building 1350 houses in Balsall Common beggars belief .The impact on the Village of what could be 4000 extra residents and 2700 cars is just so ridiculous that if someone had said it' s April 1st ,you could understand the joke.
The Roads and Lanes around the Village are so noticeably busier over the last 2 years as some small sites have been built(These 200 or so houses) and residents are bracing themselves for the impact of the two current builds on the Kenilworth Rd by Kelsey Lane . These 2 Sites pale into insignificance on their impact on the village
when the Borough are talking about not 200 house but 1350.!!
Everyone you speak to at mtgs like Councillors ,employees at the Council are saying quietly 'don't quote me but i agree it is ridiculous to think the Village of Balsall Common can absorb numbers on this scale.'
They even utter observations that 'it would not be allowed to proceed even to this stage in Knowle of heaven forbid Dorridge where the MP lives.'
If Housing has to be found but not on the scale of 1350, there are other areas on the outskirts of the Village eg Oak Farm area where housing could be sited ,still on bus routes etc.

To declare my interest ,i live on Meeting House Lane .It is a LANE with no pavements on the bottom half so for any body to seriously consider building homes in this vicinity which will result in Meeting House lane becoming a thoroughfare to and from the Village is either choosing to shut their eyes to the known impact or someone that is deliberately not considering the impact on existing residents and road /lane capacities.
In all my life and i am 69 ,i have never read about such a ridiculous idea to build 1350 homes in Balsall Common .The village has grown enormously over the last 10 ten years and is starting to show signs of maximum capacity .As i said earlier with the current developments on the Kenilworth Rd ,we are bracing ourselves to the detrimental impact this will have on the Village environs. BUT no-one is listening or choosing not to listen.What are the chances of anyone listening to the impact of a further 1350 ,sadly very little . I hope my faith in human nature will be restored and some common sense will come to the fore by the Planners.

Thank you and please take this letter and its points seriously in your considerations.