
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2250

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Christine Greig

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Scale and density of proposal are wholly inapproparite. Neighbourhood of mature, single dwelling family homes.
Increase in noise, traffic and pollution on existing busy local residential streets.
Increased danger to pedestrians, cyclists and road users.
Parking chaos.
Overlooking and lack of privacy for existing residents.
Local amenities would not adequately support size of development.
Solihull Council reneging on promises that rugby ground for sporting use only. Need more not less.
Exacerbate existing flooding issues.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to register my opposition to the inclusion in your Local Development Plan (LDP) of a proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground located off Sharmans Cross Road.

As a local Solihull resident, I believe this development would be inappropriate for the following reasons:

1. Unsuitability. The scale and density of the proposed development are wholly inappropriate for this neighbourhood of mature, single dwelling family homes and will most certainly negatively impact residents through an unacceptable increase in:

a) noise, traffic and pollution in already busy local residential streets resulting in increased danger to pedestrians, cyclists and road users alike.
b) parking chaos as a result of insufficient provisioning and compounded by demand from members of Solihull Arden Club and local schools pickup and dropoff and sporting fixtures.
c) overlooking and lack of privacy for existing residents.

All of the above factors will have a direct and negative impact on quality of life, safety and well-being of local residents as well as users of the existing sporting facilities. Additionally, I do not believe local amenities would adequately support this size of development.

2. Use of land. As a taxpayer and long-term resident, I find it objectionable that Solihull Council would renege on promises that the rugby ground would continue to be designated for sporting use only and that the freehold would not be sold. Solihull residents need sporting facilities and the current leaseholder, Oakmoor, has acted reprehensively in not allowing local area sports teams to access the sporting ground. I believe the Council would not be acting in the best interests of the residents in allowing a development of this scale on this particular site leading to a permanent loss of sporting facilities.

3. Flooding. I believe there are already issues with flooding on Sharman Cross Road and a large development of 100 houses will surely worsen this problem for adjacent properties.

In conclusion, I wish to be kept apprised of any further discussions/meetings regarding this application in order to be given the opportunity to reiterate my opposition to it progressing through the planning stages.