
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2313

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Margaret Burling

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

No mention of TPOs on the plan.
Many birds and protected bats in the area.
Rugby club ground not being used as Oakmoor refuses to speak to interested parties.
Provision of sports pitches and facilities in Solihull is already poor comapred to other parts of the country.
Sharmans Cross Road already congested.
Further traffic add to danger of pedestrians to Junior School.
Exacerbate existing parking issues. Will be compounded by loss of spaces at Arden Tennis Club.
Potential loss of privacy if taller buildings.
Moving Tennis Club would contravene NPPF.
Site better suited for improved sports uses.

Full text:

Ref: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
(100 houses on rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road)
* * I was dismayed to see no mention in the plan of the Tree Preservation Order No 174 (dated 1989) on the hatched area of the plan. We have many woodland birds in the area such as green woodpeckers and jays as well as bats. As bats are protected by law I would suggest that a bat survey should be carried out to ensure their habitat is not adversely affected.
* * In their application the developers (Oak moor) have sought to suggest that the rugby club ground is not being used. Young football players in the area are being denied the use of these pitches because Oakmoor refuses to speak to interested parties. I can only assume that this is a ploy to make out that there is no call for pitches in the area when this is clearly not the case. Provision for sports pitches and changing facilities in Solihull is already poor compared to other parts of the country. By building more houses there will be an even greater need for these facilities in the future.
* * I am concerned that access via the Sharmans Cross site is already congested especially at times when Sharmans Cross Junior School pupils are arriving and departing. Any further traffic would just add to the danger for pupils at the school.
* * Parking is already an issue at previously mentioned school times and the density of housing proposed on the site would increase this problem as most households have at least one car. This would be compounded by the loss of parking spaces for the Arden Tennis Club.
* * The plans do not make clear the height of the proposed development. I would have concerns about privacy if the height was greater than the height of the surrounding houses. This would clearly be inappropriate and unsuitable.

The National Policy Framework states that "sustainable development means change for the better" and that decisions should "plan positively for the provision and use of shared space, community facilities (it names Sports Venues) and other local services are able to develop and modernise in a way that is sustainable and retained for the benefit of the community" If the tennis club were to move as proposed by Oakmoor from freehold to leasehold land then they would not be able to raise the money for any future developments. This is clearly in contravention of the National Policy Framework.
In my opinion the whole site is better suited to providing much needed football and rugby pitches with proper changing facilities and parking to meet the needs of the area as well as keeping the existing Arden Tennis Club in its current position. This is in line with the National Policy Framework which states that "Local planning authorities should..take account of the needs of the local population(such as for sport)".