
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2316

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Mairead, Kelvin & Harry James

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Unfair to propose 41% of housing in this neighbourhood.
Brownfield sites in Dorridge should be used.
Housing White Paper states use Green Belt land as last resort.
Public open space is valuable amenity to local residents for walking, keepign healthy and wildlife. No access to large parks in Shirley.
Will impact on schools, doctor surgeries, traffic and pollution.

Full text:

Building on the green belt in Shirley

I object to the proposal by Solihull council to build on the green belt land at Shirley south referred to as allocation 13 for the construction of 600 houses.

I live in BInley close and along with many other Solihull residents use this area for walking and keeping healthy enjoy the tranquility and the wild life . It is unfair to propose building 41 per cent of the housing you need to complete in our neighbour hood. There are brown sites available in DORRIDGE which should be utilised primarily. The government have said that a white paper will be available and that green belt land should only be used as a last resort. So you should halt any decisions until this white paper is available. We have no access to large parks in Shirley and this decision will impact on schools doctors surgeries and traffic pollution. We demand you re think this unpopular war on our green belt