
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2317

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Anup & Minal Sodha

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Existing road congestion, especially around Junior School. Development will worsen traffic and safety issues.
Rugby ground is essential to sporting aspiration of local children. Should not lose this facility.
Understand need for affordable housing, but this is a premium location. Affordable homes will be sold very quickly to private landlords and will not retain long term benefit.
More appropriate to build affordable housing near to Bickenhill.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18

With this email, my wife and I would formally like to OBJECT to the proposed development of housing on the Rugby Field. Our objection is based on th following grounds

1, Safety and Highways. With the already congested roads, especially around Sharmanas cross junior school, this development will only worsen the traffic issue we face each morning and with young children crossing the roads, we see a potential of a serious incident
2, Rugby in the heart of solihull is essential to the sporting aspirations of many children who live here. We should not loose this facility 3, Whilst we understand the need for affordable housing, this area is a premium location. Any such housing will only be sold very quickly to private landlords so this will not in the long term benefit the people it is intended to.
4, planning should instead be granted for affordable housing nearer to bickenhill. This area would be more appropriate.