
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2330

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Anita Savin

Representation Summary:

High density of proposed plans is out of character with existing houses. It will overshadow existing houses and create additional noise.
Impact on schools and GPS, loss of green space and sports facilities.
Flooding issues.
Increased congestion and impact on road safety as a result of additional traffic.
The development will have an unacceptable impact on the character of the area and on the amenities of all who live in the neighbourhood.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

This is to register my objection to the proposed plans to develop 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull. My reasons are as follows:

* The high density of proposed plans is out of character with existing houses. It will overshadow existing houses and create additional noise.

* It will affect amenities and facilities (school, GPs etc) for all. Many of these facilities are already stretched. The loss of green space and sports facilities which Solihull MBC has promised maintain is difficult to accept.

* The additional noise and loss of privacy will adversely affect the character of the area.

* Sharmans Cross Road infrastructure is already poor - the road is flooded after a single downpour.

* Road safety is already comprised especially at school leaving times. Your Highways department have already taken steps to try and alleviate the problem; however the situation is worse than ever. In the last two weeks I have witnessed congestion so bad that buses have mounted the pavement in order to avoid an accident. Mothers and children use this pavement. Parking around the school is dangerous and the yellow lines in Woodlea Drive move the problem down the road. Double yellow lines are routinely ignored. I know this a police issue rather than a planning issue but the two are related.

* During peak times heavy traffic on Sharmans Cross Road leads to traffic jams waiting to turn onto Streetsbrook Road (am) and onto Stratford Road (pm). Further development will acerbate this problem and affect the character of the area.

In summary, I am concerned that the proposed plans will have an unacceptable impact on the character of the area and on the amenities of all who live in the neighbourhood