
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2332

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Fal Naik

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Increased demand on schools. Expansion of Oak Cottage will change character of lovely small school.
Difficult to get into local secondary school.
Increased traffic. Already gridlocked in mornings at Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road juntions.
More dangerous for pedestrians.
Oversubscribed medical practice - 3 weeks to get an appointment at Northbrook Group Practice.

Full text:

Proposed development of new houses on Sharmans Cross Road

I am writing to express my objection to the proposed development of new houses on Sharmans Cross Road. My primary concerns are

1) Schools - My son attends Oak Cottage school which in a lovely small school and there will be an increased demand on the school which will lead to changing the character of school. Also, it will be more difficult for my son to get into a local secondary school.
2) Increased traffic - The junction of Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road is gridlocked in the mornings and this will cause a further increase in traffic. It will make it more dangerous to pedestrians.
3) Increased wait for doctors appointments - At Northbrook Group Practice, my husband recently had to book an appointment three weeks in advance. The increase in population will lead to further contention and lead to an increased waiting time.