
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2342

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Lauren Bosworth

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Detrimental to local community and way of life.
Loss of countryside.
Increase in crime rate in Dickens Heath since new development been finished.
HS2 already destroying other parts of local countryside.
Council object to new developments in the Green Belt, why treat one house different from over 2000?

Full text:

I want to make my concerns and objections to allocation 4, 11, 12and 13 for housing development to be known.

As part of the community I feel any development will achieve nothing positive to our community. The attraction to living in this area is the fact that we can travel in one direction and get into town but go the other and find yourself in the middle of the countryside. What little could remains is precious and is an integral part to living in this community. If hosting development goes ahead onto these sites we will inevitably lose that reality we are so lucky to have currently.

Crime rate has massively increased in the dickens heath area coinciding with the new development that has recently being finished. Coincidental maybe or the social housing that has to be included with any new development may have a role to play?

This should absolutely no way go ahead. Hs2 is already destroying other parts of our local countryside why add is ultimately of injury with adding more destruction to our local awarebspputly and??

As a council you would object to any extensions or new development to current housing especially if breaching onto green belt which may I add I support. So why on earth is this anything different?instead of one house the treat is and Total exceeding 2000 houses???