
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2346

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Tony Payne

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Retain use of ground for sporting and recreational purposes. Club was accessible to all. Many local football teams need more pitches. Council need to support sporting use.
Local traffic infrastructure already at gridlock at peak times. Slow traffic increases pollution. Increase delays to buses.
Adverse impact on road safety. Main pedestrian and cyclist route; increase in cars will result in increase in accidents.
Pressure on community infrastructure. Local infant schools are oversubscribed and cannot be extended. Nearest GP surgery 1 mile away. All add to parking and traffic problems.

Full text:

Objection to LDP -Proposed Housing Allocation 18

In regards to the inclusion of the former Sharman's Cross Road rugby grounds into the Solihull long term development plan for housing development I have four main objections:-

1) Use of the ground for sporting and recreational purposes
The former site of the Birmingham and Solihull rugby pitches were and still should be an intrinsic part of sports activities in Solihull. Before the Rugby club moved over to their current site at Portway, both my sons played mini and junior rugby on the pitches and along with the club house became both a sporting and social centre. It was accessible to all, and being relatively close to the centre of Solihull, both players and supporters related to it as being part of Solihull. It was Solihull's Rugby Club. With the shortage of both pitches, for both Rugby and Football, it is essential that it should be reverted back to its original purpose, encouraging active sport to both young and old, close to the heart of Solihull. Many local football clubs are really desperate for more pitches to bring on their junior teams and would only be too grateful to maintain and develop the site. I think it has been disgraceful that such a much wanted amenity has been denied to the local sport community for too long and that the local council have not stood up and allowed then to use it. Let's hear the sound of supporters cheering on their local sides every Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

2) Local traffic infrastructure
Solihull's road infrastructure is already approaching gridlock around the town centre every morning and afternoon. The junction and Sharman's Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road comes to a standstill every morning and increasing every evening. The junction is not capable of accommodating a further 100 to 200 vehicles every morning between 7:30 and 9:00. Converting the junction to a roundabout will not improve the situation, as the problem occurs further down Streetsbrook Road, at the traffic lights close the Fire Station. Not only will it cause increased delays to local buses, which need promoting for environmental reasons, it will also cause delays to the emergency services, police ambulance and fire service with dire consequences. At present the queues on Sharman's Cross Road are approaching Sharman's Cross Junior School every the morning and any increase will have severe effects on the safety of children attending the school. Also am very concerned about the increased pollution levels exposed to the children walking to school from all those idling cars. By the way most of these cars are local and have driven less than one mile; and this is when they are most polluting as they are warming up and before 'stop start' systems have started operating.

3) Road Safety
Sharman's Cross Road in a main arterial pedestrian and cyclist route into the centre of Solihull from the west of the town and as such the pavement on the southern side of the road has been designated a cycleway. The footpath is also a major route for children attending Sharman's Cross Junior School. Across this pavement will now be a further 100 - 200 vehicles travelling every morning. Unfortunately this will be an accident waiting to happen, in which a young child is going to be seriously injured or killed. As a resident on the south side of Sharman's Cross Road I know you have to be extremely careful and constantly on the lookout for children running, on scooters and bicycles, using the pavement, who do not expect cars coming out of their drives.

4) Community Infrastructure
Any new development should be attracting young families with children, which need adequate local schools and doctors surgeries. In terms of local infant schools, Oak Cottage, Streetsbrook and Blossomfield are already full to capacity with no further space for development. I know this as I was a parent governor for two of the schools. The schools are also outside walking distance for young children so this means more traffic on the local roads during the school rush hour; causing even more congestion. So what will happen to these children? Is a new infant school part of this development? There are also no local GP surgeries, with the nearest over a mile away. This means increased parking will be required at these surgeries and more GP's and associated nursing staff.

Therefore this proposed development will remove a much needed amenity for the local community and the whole of Solihull, increase the amount of traffic in an already congested area, have significant safety concerns and inappropriate amenities for young families. As such it should be removed from the Local development Plan.