
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2353

Received: 11/02/2017

Respondent: D Wilkinson

Representation Summary:

Site 12 Objection - together with allocations 4, 11 & 13 there is an over-allocation of proposed houses in a small area of the borough, on mainly on precious green space.
There is insufficient infrastructure to cope with this extra demand to the local area. Will exacerbate existing traffic problems, increase pollution and impact on community infrastructure such as doctors and schools.

This scheme adds little value to the HS2 access plans and will make the M42 unbearable and more like London's M25.

Request that the plans be considerably scaled back to a sensible build programme.

Full text:

Please accept this communication as my objection to the planning allocations 4, 11, 12 & 13. as referred to in the housing allocation scheme. My objections are as follows:

a. the proposed allocations are grossly over allocated as it represents a around 40%+ of the whole scheme in one small area of the Borough.

b. The four sites represent over 2500 houses in a small part of the Borough, proposed on mainly on precious green space.

c. There is insufficient infrastructure to cope with this extra demand to the local area. 2500 houses will result on average in an increase of approximately 5000 additional vehicles and 7,500+ people needing to use existing community services such as Doctor's, schools and roads not designed to cope with the extra traffic.

Travelling around the Borough at peak times, such as school drop off / pick up times and weekends already result in major delays with the excessive traffic that already comes from Dickens Heath. This will be exasperated beyond breaking point if this scale of house building goes ahead. Equally, it will add further pollution to the environment and affect the health and well being of those that have to walk amidst the traffic especially around the A34, Tanworth Lane areas.

This scheme adds little value to the HS2 access plans and will make the M42 unbearable and more akin to scenes from London's M25.

I profusely object to these plans and ask that they be considerably scaled back to a sensible build programme.