
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2359

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: C A Frost

Representation Summary:

Already a massive problem with traffic congestion in the local area. If you add a further concern about the capacity of the local NHS system and the underfunding of schools in the area, then the proposal to build over 2500 new homes seems to be totally absurd.

Whilst I appreciate the national requirement for new homes, it is wrong to blindly pursue the delivery of numbers and ignore the quality of life of existing and new residents.

Hope that a more moderate approach can be found which will avoid turning Shirley into a new town on the edge of Solihull.

Full text:

South Shirley Housing development

It is rare for me to make a compliant but I have to express my extreme concern about the scale of the proposed Housing developments in the South Shirley area (your ref: Allocations 11,12,13 and 4).

We already have a massive problem with traffic congestion in the Marshall Lake, Stratford Road, Blackford Road, Tanworth Lane area. Indeed at peak traffic times, the congestion is an effective deterrent to leaving home at all. If you add a further concern about the capacity of the local NHS system and the underfunding of schools in the area, then the proposal to build over two and a half thousand new homes, which will probably bring another five thousand cars to our roads, seems to be totally absurd.

Whilst I appreciate the national requirement for new homes, surely it is wrong to blindly pursue the delivery of numbers and ignore the quality of life of existing and new residents.

I do hope that a more moderate approach can be found which will avoid turning Shirley into a new town on the edge of Solihull.