
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2363

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Billy Mills

Representation Summary:

This will be yet another greenfield taken by greedy developers to build more expensive homes, the cost of which will be out of reach of most ordinary people wishing to live in Solihull.
There is already a shortage of sports pitches in Solihull.
The site is not accessible to local facilities and will increase car use, thereby exacerbating existing congestion.
Doctors' surgeries will not be able to cope with extra patients.
Schools will be over-subscribed.
Flooding and drainage issues.
Loss of a designated cycle route.
Drain on local resources and will ultimately add to noise and pollution.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to object to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road, on the grounds that:
1. This will be yet another greenfield taken by greedy developers to build more expensive homes, the cost of which will be out of reach of most ordinary people wishing to live in Solihull.
2. There is already a shortage of sports pitches in Solihull.
3. The residents of these houses will be living too far away from amenities such as railway stations etc., so they will be forced to use cars to get to and from the town centre, thus resulting in possibly 2 or more cars per house travelling into Solihull and Shirley and utilising already gridlocked roads during school term times and rush hour.
4. Doctors' surgeries will be overrun and will not be able to cope with extra patients.
5. Schools will be over-subscribed.
6. Flooding and drainage will be an issue.
7. The loss of a designated cycle route.
All of the above constitutes a drain on local resources and will ultimately add to noise and pollution.
It begs the question, who will actually benefit from this development?