
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2365

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Jane Winfield

Representation Summary:

100 houses on this site is not in keeping with the current density of residential buildings in the Sharman's Cross area.
This is a very busy road with regular traffic jams. The scheme needs provision to alleviate this problem.
There should be more public open space and sports facilities for the people of Solihull not fewer. The scheme should have more.
School and local services are already oversubscribed. What is the provision for the extra residents?
I understand the need for some development on this site but would strongly urge you to reduce the scale of this proposal.

Full text:

LDP Proposed Housing Allocation 18 - Sharmans Cross Road

Objection to the Proposed Housing on the Sharman's Cross Rugby Club

I would like to register my objection to this scheme for the following reasons:
* 100 houses on this site is not in keeping with the current density of residential buildings in the Sharman's Cross area.
* This is a very busy road with regular traffic jams. The scheme has needs provision to alleviate this problem.
* There should be more public open space and sports facilities for the people of Solihull not fewer. The scheme should have more.
* School and local services are already oversubscribed. What is the provision for the extra residents?

I understand the need for some development on this site but would strongly urge you to reduce the scale of this proposal