
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2379

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Audrey C Nutt

Representation Summary:

Loss of sporting facilities. The land site should remain in sporting use.
Development would be out of character with surrounding area.
Will exacerbate existing traffic congestion.
Impact on mature trees and wildlife.
Loss of parking at the Tennis club will increase parking on surrounding roads.
Impact on already oversubscribed schools and medical facilities.
Does not conform with NPPF in terms of access to facilities.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

OBJECTION to Proposals for a Development 100 houses on the Rugby Ground in Sharmans Cross Road, included in the LDP

1) Loss of Sporting Facilities:
Five Sports Grounds are at risk in the LDP. There is already a shortage of pitches in the Borough.
Solihull MBC has a duty to protect these existing Sports Grounds as Solihull already has a poor record for over-16 sport participation.
In 2013 SMBC formally minuted that they would NOT sell the freehold of Sports Grounds - This policy should be maintained.

2) Overdevelopment of Site:
100 houses is far too great a density (FIVE times greater than in Winterbourne Road, where I live) for the Character of the entire neighbourhood surrounding Sharmans Cross Road.
The Development is likely to include buildings of three storeys or more which will inevitably not only destroy the Character of the Neighbourhood but will lead to loss of light, privacy and create overshadowing, for existing residents.

3) Traffic Congestion:
Building 100 Houses on this site will give rise to a realistic minimum of 100 - 150 vehicle movements during both Morning & Evening Peak Periods, from these properties.
A large number of these will be attempting to turn right heading towards the Town Centre by accessing Sharmans Cross Road onto Streetsbrook Road, which are already GRIDLOCKED at peak times.
These additional vehicles will undoubtedly create traffic jam mayhem, blocking traffic flow in both directions and increasing the danger levels to both Pedestrians (particularly schoolchildren) & Cyclists.
Pollution Levels will automatically increase.

4) Detrimental Effect on the Local Environment:
Destruction of this glorious open space with its mature trees, which is a major asset to the area and enjoyed by many residents, would be a travesty and a great loss to future generations of Silhillians.
The area is also a known habitat for Bats & Badgers and many other species of wildlife.

5) Parking:
The proposed loss of 75 parking spaces at the Tennis Club will undoubtedly create an increase in the number of vehicles parking on Sharmans Cross Road causing Increased Congestion, which is already chaotic during Peak Travel Times & School Drop Off/Pick Up periods. This Congestion will cause increased Safety problems for Drivers and particularly Cyclists along with the nuisance factor for the Residents

6) Schools & Medical Centres:
The existing amenities are already over-subscribed and the addition of 100 families will only lead to a degeneration in those services for local existing residents.

7) Sustainability:
The National Planning Policy Framework requires developments to have access to local amenities within 800m/10minutes walk. This site does NOT CONFORM as it is 1700m from the Town Centre and 1000m from the station.

All of these points are individually Important and when conjoined make an Indefensible Case for REMOVING this ill-advised and ill-thought out proposal from the Local Development Plan.
This Removal should be actioned immediately.
In addition SMBC should make a firm and non-retractable commitment to maintaining this area for Sports and Recreational Usage.