
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2383

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Hopcraft Ray

Representation Summary:

Local roads are already congested. Development will exacerbate the situation.
Impact on already over-subscribed schools and medical facilities.
Site 13 is an area for recreation and provides a defined border between Shirley and the surrounding villages. This should remain intact.

Full text:

Allocation 13

I wish through this e-mail to lodge my objections to the proposal to build some 2550 new houses in the Shirley area and particularly the 600 proposed for Allocation 13. As I understand it this would be 41% of Solihull's housing requirements and seems grossly unfair.
It has been suggested that these houses would enable people to live in Solihull and use HS2 to commute to London. If this is the plan then it is very short sighted as to reach the HS2 station near the NEC / Airport would require a 12 mile car journey along the already busy M42. Furthermore, the Stratford Road through Shirley is already gridlocked every day and is not likely to get any better.
As for the local roads, Tilehouse Lane, Haslucks Green Road, Bills Lane and Tanworth Lane are all used on a daily basis as a shortcut for traffic from M42 J3 (from the Redditch / Bromsgrove direction via Wythall) to get to Shirley, Hall Green and Solihull Centre so any large scale building of the type proposed would put massive pressure on these roads.
If 2550 houses were built this would probably equate to somewhere around 10,000 additional people in the Shirley area. Where will the school places, doctors surgeries, hospitals etc come from ?
At a recent drop in meeting at Lighthall school I asked this question to several councillors and the stock answer was "it's too early to say". Surely such infrastructure planning should be in place before plans for housing are put forward.
Allocation 13 has always been an area for recreation i.e. walking, horse riding, cycling etc and is also a valuable area of green space keeping a clearly defined border between Shirley, Wythall and Birmingham and in my view should remain in tact.
After all Solihull's motto "Urbs in Rure means town in the countryside. Hopefully it will stay that way.