
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2386

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Peter Swingler

Representation Summary:

Too many open spaces have already been lost to development. At this rate Solihull will become a concrete jungle instead of the leafy borough it was once known as. Both the Government and councils are hypocritical over the development of sports grounds - campaigning for people to become fit and healthy by having more exercise to take the pressure off NHS on one hand, while cutting down on walking areas and sports fields on the other. The rugby ground is used by hundreds of walkers, apart from being used for sport. The amenity should be kept as it is.

Full text:

rugby ground protest

I would like to register my objection against the building of homes on the rugby ground off Sharmans Cross road, Solihull. Too many open spaces have already been lost to development and at this rate Solihull is eventually going to become a concrete jungle instead of the leafy borough it was once known as. Dickens Heath is a prime example of how a lovely stretch of countryside has become an overcrowded area of ugly buildings. Both the Government and councils are hypocritical over the development of sports grounds - campaigning for people to become fit and healthy by having more more exercise to take the pressure off NHS on one hand while cutting down on walking areas and sports fields on the other. The rugby ground is used by hundreds of walkers - including myself - apart from being used for sport and the amenity should be kept as it is.