
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2388

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Neville & Sue Walker

Representation Summary:

Impact on transport infrastructure in Shirley. Will increase existing traffic congestion and queues.
Parking at the railway station is impossible in peak periods.
The impact on schools and health services will be seriously affected if these proposals go ahead.
This is a further loss of Green Belt land in Shirley. These public open spaces are vital for the area.

Full text:

Site 13

Re the above: We live on the Badgers Estate which borders the proposed LPR Ref No 13 (between Whitlocks End Farm and Dickens Heath Road) where proposals are being made to construct some 600 homes. In addition, some 1950 homes are to be built on three neighbouring plots in the area.

My first concern is the effect that these proposed developments will have on transport infrastructure in Shirley. Since the development of Dickens Heath we can wait 2/3 minutes to access Bills Lane from Langcomb Road and with the proposals for Plot 13 we could well see a further increase of vehicles onto Bills Lane, thus making matters worse.

At peak times it is extremely difficult to access the A3400 Stratford Road and with a further possible 2500 (?) vehicles added to the mix this, too, will only exacerbate the problem.

We are constantly encouraged to leave our cars at home and use public transport. To find a parking place at either Shirley or Whitlocks End stations after 7.30 and 8.30 respectively is fair nigh impossible.

The impact on schools and health services will be seriously affected if these proposals go ahead.

This is a further loss of Green Belt land in Shirley. In our opinion, these public open spaces are vital for the area.