
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2390

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: James McCarthy

Representation Summary:

Development will exacerbate existing congestion. Roads in the local area are not equipped to take the extra strain.
Local schools and doctors are currently fully subscribed.
The Green Belt area is a key part of the local community and provides an area for recreation. It also acts a buffer between Shirley and Dickens Heath and offers crucial social and more importantly health benefits to local residents.
The planned development will vastly alter the look and feel of the local area, and directly impact on current residents as the local landscape changes.
Impact on local wildlife.

Full text:

Allocation 13

I am writing to you to object to the draft local plan to develop allocation 13- the area of green belt running alongside the Woodlands and Badgers estates in Shirley. I am a lifelong resident of the Shirley area and currently own a home on Langcomb Road.

My objections are as follows:

* Road Network: The roads around this area of Shirley are already very heavily congested at peak times and the development would only add to this, I do not think the area is equipped to take the extra strain. The roads I refer to are: Bills Lane, Tanworth Lane, Shakespeare Drive, Blackford Road, Dog Kennel Lane.
* Local Facilities: Local schools and doctors are currently fully subscribed and I don't see any plans to expand on these services to cope with extra demand from new residents.
* Recreational Area: The green belt area is a key part of the local community and offers an area for kids to play, dog walkers and people generally enjoying the local countryside, it also acts a buffer between Shirley and the ever expanding Dickens Heath development and offers crucial social and more importantly health benefits to local residents.
* Visual Impact: The planned development will vastly alter the look and feel of the local area, and directly impact on current residents as the local landscape changes.
* There should also be considerations for the impact on local wildlife and the way that this development will change the character of the area.

To conclude, I believe there are far more suitable sites to develop on, with better infrastructure and ability to cope and I think that this proposed development would be very damaging for the local area.