
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2393

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Richards

Representation Summary:

The area is an important public amenity, well used by the local community.
Impact on wildlife
Increased traffic.
Impact on local services and facilities.

Full text:

Housing site 13 south of Shirley

It is with great distress that I am writing to you about your plans to build 600 new homes. I have been a resident of Shotteswell road for 39 years and I feel that it would be a great loss to our community if you were to destroy our public amenity area. It is used daily by dog walkers and children alike, to enjoy a piece of nature so close to an already built up area. I have a number of concerns about this proposal, the land has bought me great joy with the wildlife it attracts and I wonder what your plans are to preserve them ? It also concerns me what impact it will have on the flow of traffic. Where the local children would ride their bikes and play outside if we start having 600 new cars driving through our estate. I am concerned about the impact it will have on our local doctors surgery and schools. I hope that you will understand a little from my letter the reasons I am against your proposal . I understand the need for new homes but feel the loss of our loved land would be detrimental to our community here on the woodlands estate.