
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2395

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Rebecca Frampton

Representation Summary:

Loss of valuable public space, which helps to maintain the health and well being of the community.
Will result in further congestion on the roads.
Impact on local schools and doctors surgeries.
Impact on wildlife.

Full text:

Objection to allocation 13-Shirley

I am 28 years of age and have lived at Langcomb Road in Shirley all my life. My family and I have always loved the outdoors and believe that a daily dog walk around our open fields (near the Christmas tree farm), has been key to a happy and healthy life. The therapeutic value of a daily walk outside in the fresh air and wildlife has been my savoir, and the thought of not being able to continue doing this outside my front door due to the new building plans, fills me with great sadness. My boyfriend has recently bought a house which looks out onto these fields in Baxters Green, and soon I hope to move in with him and wish to continue my daily walks around the fields to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Building on our beautiful green spaces will not only have a personal negative impact for myself and my family, but too for the whole of the Shirley community. It will create further congestion on the roads, will have an effect on the local amenities such as schools and doctors surgeries, wont help with preserving the rare wildlife living on the land such as newts, bats and woodpeckers, and most importantly, will massively impact the health and well being of the Shirley community.

We have had free public access to these fields for 35 years, and now that the green land in Shirley park has been reduced, we haven't got a lot of open land left!